
Where is this ride taking me and do I really want to go there?

05 September 2004

on being a student

Why is it that the only time you are really motivated to study something big stops you. Like the library being closed for the holiday weekend? Three day weekends are something I have not experianced in a while. At SMS we always had Mondays off, so no holidays there. And Pacific didn't believe in holidays. I guess they figured that we were paying a lot of money to go there and they should give us our monies worth. Unfortunately these Catholics don't have the same philosophy. I pay a great deal more to attend this school than Pacific but there are a few three day weekends. This is nice to have time to relax with friends. But it seems to me that I only WANT to study when the resources that I need are not available.

Why didn't I get the New Harvard Dictionary of Music when I was at SMS?


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