
Where is this ride taking me and do I really want to go there?

13 January 2005

another semester

I'm about 2/3 done with the first week of classes this semester. While I'm very excited about these classes they look like they involve a LOT more work than last semester. I'm most nervous about the 20-22 page paper for Dr. Gallo. I've never written more than 10 pages in my life.

I'm also nervous about jazz band tonight, I'm not sure why. Actually that's not true I do know why. I haven't played in a band for 4 1/2 years, I'm not really a lead player, I only know one of the people in there, I have no idea what we are playing, I'm afraid that I'm not good enough. There are several more little things that also worry me but those are the big ones. I will upsate after class to decide if I was right to be worried or if everything is ok.


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