
Where is this ride taking me and do I really want to go there?

03 December 2004

things and stuff

I know it's been almost a week, I'm sorry.

Things have been interesting. I just started seeing someone. He's really nice and he seems to really like me, always a good sign. Tonight he IM'd me and asked what I was up to tonight. I said nothing and he asked if we could do nothing together. Now we are going to the Cheesecake Factory with D and Liz then pool at Buffalo Billiards. I hope it goes well.

Finals quickly approach and I'm getting really stressed. It seemes that my ability to speak in front of people diminishes by the day. It is so horrible. At least I only have 2 more presentations this semester.

The yarn store is getting better. After we left last night Amy, Carrie and I went to
dinner at the Tastee Diner. They are about the same age as I am, so it was nice to meet cool people outside of school.


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