
Where is this ride taking me and do I really want to go there?

28 December 2004

only a few bruises

Yesterday Natalie, Tiffany, Angi and I went to Mt. Hood. Ang and I skiied and the other 2 snowboarded. Things were really fun until N, T and I decided to go up to the next lift rather than stay on the buttercup. as we climbed higher and higher, past the timber line we became a little concerned for our safety, had we made the right decision to go up that high? In my case this was the wrong decision. I took a path the differed from the other girls in search of the easier green path. After falling hard on my right hand and doing a few flips head over heels I made it back to the bottome of the slope. There I met all the others who convinced me that the way they took was much easier and we sould try again, we were among the last people allowed on the lift for the day. I wasn't sure that I should have gone again, since my right hand was swollen to almost twice its normal size but they were sure I could make it. The mountain was very icy and the hills were steep, at one point Ang and I took off our skis and slid down the hill on our butts. Ski patrol passed and things seemed fine when I went a little too fast and fell hard on my front and had the wind knocked out of me. Not a fun experiance. Tiff went to find ski patrol to help me and then a nice young man came by to make sure we made it down the mountain. I din't fall again but I hurt a lot and just wanted to go home. It turned out that we were the only people left on the mountain, put I got a ride from ski patrol and we made it off the mountain just before dark.

19 December 2004

going home and other excitment

I leave for Portland this evening, I'm pretty excited. And I know that my family is excited to see me. I hope they are ok with me spending time doing things without them, I have a lot of things and people to see.

I have grades for 3 of my 4 classes back. 2 B-'s and an A-. I know I could probably have done better but it has been 4 years since I've been in school and I think that's pretty good for such a long break.

I hope I remeber to take everthing home that I need to, it's turning out to be a lot more than I thought I would be taking. A lot of it is gifts and things that I just don;t use to make room for the things that I will be bringing back.

17 December 2004

tales from the metro

I was coming home from dropping books off at the library and knitting. I am making a scarf on big needles, and I hear these two ladies across from me talking about my project finally they say loud enough for me to hear "I bet she's using 17 needles" I replied that I was using 19's. So they jumped over next to me and we talked about knitting, they showed me the yarn they had just bought and the projects that they were working on. It turns out that one of them is a frequent customer at the shop where I work. Isn't that crazy!

People here are much more friendly than people in New York.

14 December 2004


and by that I mean fine the musical term, not fine as in how you you doing?

Anyway my first semester of grad school is complete, done, over, the end. I wasn't sure if I would make it, but I guess I did. Now I just hope that I pass all of my classes.

Liz and I are going to NYC at 2 am. We have a full schedule of activites planned for our 21 hour stay. I hope we can see Topu for a bit, he's always fun to be around.

I think I'm finally able to deal with the thing that I don't want to think about. I just have to let it go and move on. I just wish it was easy, but most things never are no matter how much you want them to be.

Only 6 days until I'm back in Oregon. I know I will really enjoy my time there, I miss it a lot but I know I will be ready to get back to school by the end of the three weeks. I just wish I could bring Wendy and Fi back with me.

13 December 2004

not again

Today is one of those days when no matter how much you KNOW that you should be writing the paper due tomorrow so you can enjoy the trip to NYC on Wednesday, your brain just decides to focus on things you desperately don't want to think about. I know that that sentance doesn't really make sense but I really don't care right now.

I just wish that I could stop caring about people who don't care about me, it is driving me a little insane.

I wish I could be a good student, I really do. But the act of sittng down and writing a bunch of crap that no one really cares about seems like the biggest waste of time, EVER.

11 December 2004

email addiction

The worst part of sitting in front of my computer all day is that I am a compulsive email checker. It really is a problem. The rational part of my brain knows that no has written to me but my compulsive part says check you email every 2 minutes or you will miss something really important.

Is there a support group for this sort of thing?

10 December 2004

a discovery

I was procrastinating, as usual, and was looking at IMDB, I decided to look up my sister and she has her very own listing. So if you you want to look she is listed as Angela Bell Hill.

08 December 2004

Men Suck

well, I don't have to worry about finding a christmas present anymore. Apparently I have this amazing ability to date guys who really want to get back together with thier ex's and date me while figuring that out.

I guess this time wouldn't be quite so bad but this is what happened with that last guy I was seeing. The exact same thing. THings are going really well, they seem to really like me we do fun things, then POW it comes out that they can't do something that we have planned because they have to go visit the ex to see if that will work out. Why do men look for a relationship and then go back to the ex. I'm beginning to think it's me.

I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

07 December 2004

counting down

This semester has been very strange. In some ways it has moved so quickly, in others so very slowly. I will be back in Oregon in 2 weeks, that is a short time. Unfortunately in that 2 weeks I have to write 2 10 pages papers and give a 10 minute presentation.

Having Jay around has been really nice. Because he's not in school I feel relaxed with him. The same goes for the yarn store. Too much time on campus drives one crazy.

By the way, Jay told me last night that he is getting us tickets to see the Nutcracker the weekend before I leave. He is so thoughtful. But I just have no idea what to get him as a gift. Uggh!

03 December 2004

things and stuff

I know it's been almost a week, I'm sorry.

Things have been interesting. I just started seeing someone. He's really nice and he seems to really like me, always a good sign. Tonight he IM'd me and asked what I was up to tonight. I said nothing and he asked if we could do nothing together. Now we are going to the Cheesecake Factory with D and Liz then pool at Buffalo Billiards. I hope it goes well.

Finals quickly approach and I'm getting really stressed. It seemes that my ability to speak in front of people diminishes by the day. It is so horrible. At least I only have 2 more presentations this semester.

The yarn store is getting better. After we left last night Amy, Carrie and I went to
dinner at the Tastee Diner. They are about the same age as I am, so it was nice to meet cool people outside of school.